May 25 & June 1, 8 & 15 – The Cut in Creation: Exploring the Avant-Garde, Dada, Surrealism, Modern Art, Noise Music, and Performance Art through a Psychoanalytic Lens, Led by Vanessa Sinclair, PsyD, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, USA, online.
March 15 – Book launch event and seminar for The Queerness of Psychoanalysis: From Freud and Lacan to Laplanche and Beyond (Routledge, 2025), Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmöhusvägen 6, Malmö, Sweden.
December 18 – Der Doppelgänger, the Artist & Creative Will: The work of psychoanalyst Otto Rank explored through artists Breyer P-Orridge, Val Denham, Pierre Molinier & Ovartaci, The Last Tuesday Society, Victor Wynd Museum, London, England, online.
December 14 – “Cinema as Mirror: Film as Projective Surface,” (DE)MONTAGE OF THE SUBJECT IN CINEMA AND PSYCHOANALYSIS, INTERNATIONAL ONLINE-CONFERENCE, Cinema Club of Buenos Aires, Argentina, online.
December 3 – “The intersection between psychoanalysis and the creative arts,” Maryland Institute for Contemporary Art (MICA), Baltimore, MD, USA, online. Invited by Mikita Brottman.
December 1, 8, 15 & 22 – The Magical Films of Iconic Director Tim Burton with Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
October 24-25 – presented “The process of creating Things Happen using the cut-up method,” A Tide of Ghosts: Esotericism and Art beyond Fact and Fiction, University of Copenhagen, Main Building, Frue Plads, Copenhagen, Denmark.
June 16 – Book launch for Things Happen and Spiral of Objects with Dr. Vanessa Sinclair and Ad Vat, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
May 19, 26 & June 2, 9 – Harnessing the Magic and Creative Power of the Cut-up Method a la William Burroughs, David Bowie, Genesis P-Orridge, Led by Dr. Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
May 11 – Book launch event for Things Happen by Vanessa Sinclair, Spiral of Objects by Ad Vat, and Can I See Your Niche? by Jason Haaf (Trapart Books), Quimby’s Bookstore, Brooklyn, NY, USA.
May 8-10 – “The Artist, the Double, and Creative Will,” Rank Horror symposium, Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (Dr. Sinclair pulled out of this conference in solidarity with the students protesting and the people of Palestine).
May 2 – Things Happen book launch event at Bar Nancy, Miami, FL, USA.
March 18 – HAUNTQUINOX hosted by Keats Ross of Pragmagick Podcast, Portland, OR, USA, online.
September 10, 17, 24 & October 1 – Harnessing the Magic and Creative Power of the Cut-up Method a la William Burroughs, David Bowie, Genesis P-Orridge, Led by Dr. Vanessa Sinclair and Carl Abrahamsson, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
September 5 – Freud and the Occult by Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, The Last Tuesday Society, Victor Wynd Museum, London, England, online.
October 23 – Body Modification, Polymorphous Perversity & Pandrogeny by Vanessa Sinclair + Forcing the Hand of Chance – A Look at the DIY Occulture of Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth (TOPY) by Carl Abrahamsson, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
October 14-16 – Visionary Medium: Psychoanalysis & the Magic of Cinema conference co-organized with Carl Abrahamsson, Husets Biograf Copenhagen, Denmark.
October 7-9 – Embracing Your Own: Creating a Personal Pantheon of Ancestors presented at Occulture Conference, Berlin, Germany.
September 15 – The Tenderness of the Cut as part of the exhibition that other world, the world of the teapot. tenderness, a model, Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover, Germany.
July 17 – The Atavistic Network by Charlotte Rodgers and Working with Ancestors in Art and Magic by Dr Vanessa Sinclair, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
May 30 – Respondent/ Discussant for Dany Nobus’ Group Pathology and the Analysis of the Ego: On the Dissolution of Psychoanalytic Organisations and the Question of Psychoanalytic Training, ABF, Stockholm, Sweden. (canceled/ postponed)
March 6, 13, 20, 27 – The Unconscious Act: Theories of Repetition in Psychoanalysis and Philosophy course, Global Centre for Advanced Studies (GCAS), Dublin, Ireland, online.
December 11 – “Embracing Your Own” presented at Yule Hyggeasy 2021, online.
October 9 – Presented “Scansion in psychoanalysis: The cut-up method and Pandrogeny” at Cast off! Lacan and the arts, Fondation de la Psychanalyse, Paris, France, online.
September 5 – Artificial Intelligence and the Patipolitical Body with Dr. Isabel Millar and Freud’s Explorations of the Occult with Dr. Vanessa Sinclair, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
June 26 – Presenting Scansion in Psychoanalysis and Art: The Cut in Creation (Routledge, 2020) at Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA, online.
March 14 – Sinclair, V.R. & Steinkoler, M. On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2018) presented at Reckoning/ Foresight, 40th annual conference of APA, Division 39, New York, NY, USA, online.
December 20 – “Creativity, Dreams & the Unconscious” as part of Aquarius Rising (Reimagined), online.
October 15-18 (postponed) – Next: When the Ice Melts conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
July 24-26 (postponed) – Psychoanalysis to come: community and culture conference, Husets biograf, Copenhagen, Denmark.
May 28 – Sinclair, V.R., Johanssen, J., Millar, I., Steele, J. & Zeavin, H. Connection and Community Through Technology panel presentation at The Psychology of Global Crises 2020 conference, American University Paris, online.
May 12 (postponed) – Release event for Outsider Inpatient (Trapart Books, 2020), Bokhandeln Aniara, Göteborg, Sweden.
March 18-21 (postponed) – Presenting On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2019) with Manya Steinkoler at Reckoning/ Foresight, the 40th annual conference of APA, Division 39, New York, NY, USA.
November 4-5 – “Psychoanalysis & Necromancy,” The First International Queer Death Studies Conference: Queer(ing) Mourning, Attuning to Transitionings, Karlstad University, Karlstad, Sweden.
October 25 – “Scansion as applied in psychoanalysis and the arts,” Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden.
August 26 – “Scansion in Psychoanalysis & Art: Another Royal Road,” Swedish Psychoanalytic Society, Stockholm, Sweden.
August 10 – Live performance of “Mementeros” with Carl Abrahamsson as part of Kendell Geers’ exhibition “The Second Coming (Do What Thou Wilt)” at Rua Red, Dublin, Ireland.
July 4-August 28 – “Mementeros” exhibition, The Museum of Pornography in Art (MOPIA), Zürich, Switzerland. Live performance and film screening with Carl Abrahamsson.
June 15 – Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry (Trapart Books, 2019) release event, Aeon Books, New York, NY, USA.
June 11-12 – “Inpatient/ Outsider: Creativity and Mentabolization,” The Material and Immaterial History of Psychiatry: an Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
May 30-June 1 – Re-writing the Future: 100 Years of Esoteric Modernism & Psychoanalysis conference, Schloss Pienzenau & Brunnenburg, Merano, Italy. The papers from this conference are collected together into a special edition of The Fenris Wolf, vol 11 (Trapart Books, 2022).
May 10-12 – “The Colonial Crusade against Magical Thinking,” Colonial Fantasies, Violent Transmissions: Psychoanalysis & Politics, Swedish Psychoanalytic Society, Stockholm, Sweden.
May 2-4 – “Scansion in Psychoanalysis and Art: Another Royal Road,” The Truths of Psychoanalysis,11th Meeting of the International Association for Psychoanalysis & Philosophy (SIPP), Södertörn University & Swedish Psychoanalytic Society, Stockholm, Sweden.
April 26 – Launch event for Rendering Unconscious: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, Politics & Poetry (Trapart Books, 2019) and On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2018), Rönnells Antikvariat, Stockholm, Sweden.
January 12-February 3 – “Cut to Fit the Mouth” exhibition, Galleri Granen, Sundsvall, Sweden. Live performance with Carl Abrahamsson. Reviewed in Sundsvalls Tidning.
September 14 – Live performance with Carl Abrahamsson, Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden.
Spring/ Summer – Lecture series with Carl Abrahamsson across Scandinavia on the Cut-up Method of Brion Gysin & William Burroughs to celebrate the release of Brion Gysin: His Name Was Master (Trapart Books, 2018).
April 28-29 – “The Magic of the Cut-up Method & Third Mind,” Conjuring Creativity: Art and the Esoteric, Fylkingen, Stockholm, Sweden.
April 9 – “The Magic of the Cut-up Method & Third Mind,” Nura Learning.
May 6 – Launch event for The Fenris Wolf 9 (Trapart Books), Cut to Fit the Mouth (Arcana Machine), and Message 23 (Highbrow-Lowlife) + sleep concert with Michael McDermott aka Mikronesia, SoHo Psychoanalytic, New York, NY, USA.
March 22 – Presented The Cut in Creation, Maryland Institute for Contemporary Art (MICA), Baltimore, MD, USA. Hosted by Mikita Brottman.
February 27 – Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016) book release event, The Bookstore in the Grove, Miami, FL USA. Live performance with Carl Abrahamsson.
January 4 – Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016) book release event, Rönnells Antikvariat, Stockholm, Sweden. Live performance with Den Arkaiska Rösten.
January 3 – Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016) book release event, Bokhandeln Aniara, Göteborg, Sweden. Live performance with Joachim Nordwall & Carl Abrahamsson.
November 28 – Book launch for Switching Mirrors (Trapart Books, 2016), The Delancey, New York, NY, USA. Live spoken word performance with Liza Beth Paap accompanying on violin.
October 24 – Hosted An Evening of Exquisite Corpse, The Delancey, New York, NY, USA.
October 15–16 – Annual Dream Over: A Sleepover for Adults, The Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA. Read Alexxa Gotthardt’s article “I Spent the Night in a Museum, and I’ve Never Felt Closer to a Work of Art” for Artsy.
October 6 – Hosted On the Dance of Occult and Unconscious in Freud with Steven Reisner, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA.
September 19 – Hosted Rendering Unconscious: An Evening of Automatic Poetry, The Delancey, New York, NY, USA.
September 14 – Hosted “Stripped to the Core on the Road to Madness” – Journey of the Shaman, Artist, Magical Practitioner with Charlotte Rodgers and Khi Armand, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA.
September 9–10 – Presented “Third Mind Work & Pandrogeny,” Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over conference, University of Northampton, Northampton, England.
July 22 – Presented “Belle de Jour & the work of artists Breyer P-Orridge,” Cabaret Cinema, as part of the exhibition Try to Altar Everything, The Rubin Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA.
July 12 – Hosted The Thing That Knowledge Can’t Eat: Engaging the Power of Archetypes and Deities for Radical Transformation/ Exploring the Seven Souls with Langston Kahn and Demetrius Lacroix, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA.
May 27 – Hosted Double, Double, Toil and Trouble; Narcissism, Mourning & Sexuality: Freud and Lacan meet Dalí and Goldin with Claire-Madeline Culkin and Ray O Neill, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA. Read Sola Agustsson’s review “Dali’s Doppleganger’s and Ghosts” at Hyperallergic.
May 6–8 – Organized Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult conference with Carl Abrahamsson, Candid Arts Trust, London, England. The papers from this conference are collected together into The Fenris Wolf 9 (Trapart Books, 2017).
April 28 – Presented “Cutting up the Image of the Father/ Reconstructing the Third“ as part of the “Father Figures are Hard to Find” exhibition, NGBK, Berlin, Germany.
April 18 – Hosted Image Within/ Image Without: Iconography, Symbols, and the Psychology Reflected Therein – A Discussion of Historical and Modern Divinatory Practices with Al Cummins and Jesse Hathaway Diaz, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA.
February 5 – Hosted Death is in Our Hearts: Meditations on Death’s Attractional Force, an Illustrated Lecture with Carl Abrahamsson, Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA.
January 16 – Presented “The Cut in Creation” with Katelan Foisy at Madame Zuzu’s, Chicago, IL, USA.
January 11 – Presented The Cut in Creation: An Introduction to Psychoanalysis, Art & the Occult with Katelan Foisy, at Morbid Anatomy Museum, New York, NY, USA. Read the article by Gabby Bess for Broadly/VICE, “The Power of Cutting Up Your Idols & Everything Else”.
May 1–3 – Organized On Violence and Psychoanalysis conference with Manya Steinkoler, Fordham University – Lincoln Center Campus, New York, NY, USA. The book On Psychoanalysis and Violence: Contemporary Lacanian Perspectives (Routledge, 2019) co-edited with Manya Steinkoler came from this event.
October 5–7 – Presented “The Great Mr. Gatsby” at the conference “On Madness” organized by the Affiliated Psychoanalytic Workgroups (APW) and Todd Dean of the St. Louis Lacan Study Group, St. Louis University, St. Louis, MO, USA.